Friday, January 7, 2011

Missing The NI Vanuatu

My grandchildren are ready to go back to Vanuatu. They miss their friends.
I find myself missing the Ni Vanuatu (name for the people of Vanuatu) myself.
I miss hearing about them and their lives...
I miss knowing how to pray for them specifically...

I wonder how Mama Ellen is and how her husband Neccky is doing?
I wonder how her children are doing, Is Maxwell still in school? How big is
little Grace now?

I wonder how David and Ruth and their children are doing.

I wonder about Nettie, and if she has been well.
Her little boy is Joel's friend.

I wonder about Mama Tutoursi and her children. How old is May now?

I wonder about Elder Nato and his family....

I pray for the village and the people in it.
I pray that they are reading, listening and using God's word in language.
I pray for the children, asking God to lift someone up in this generation that will have a love for
God's Word and the desire to take over when my son's work is done.
Yes, I miss the people of Vanuatu....