Sunday, March 4, 2012

Just Some Thankful Thoughts....

I haven't posted for a while because 
I have spent the last two weeks in Denver with my grandson and his new daughter, Chloe.
My thankful list continues on. I have finally reached the 500 or middle mark. My journal is dotted with red numbers and entries.. my way of setting my thankful list apart from the rest of my thoughts. 
482. thankful for a safe delivery 
483. for my beautiful, perfect, healthy great grand daughter.  
It is times like this that the reality of having Erik and his family so far away hits me strong. 
If they were here they could enjoy this sweet baby. Cuddle her, feed her, smile at her, but they are not.  
490. thank you God for internet and that we can stay in touch with pictures and e-mails. 
Important not to be complacent about our communication. 
I wonder how the old missionaries and their families kept in touch. Mail with month old news had to be enough. I'm thinking it would have been hard if not impossible to have a very strong relationship with your grandchildren.

I learned from Skyping with Erik yesterday that the Ni Vanuatu are responding to the scriptures in their own language. 
I can only imagine how much that means to
 Erik and Michele. I know how much it blesses me. 
I love the Ni Vanuatu.
I've met many of them, and I pray for them often. Just to know that some will stand before the throne of grace makes me smile. 497. thank you that you are using Your Word in the Nafe language to change the hearts and minds of the Ni Vanuatu.

I was reminded again this morning of how I often take for granted having the scripture in my own language when I was doing Bible Study and was trying to decide which translation to use. 501. thank you God for your Word and that I can read it in my own language. 

I wonder if we will have to give an account to God for taking His Word so much for granted or if there will ever come a time we can no longer take it for granted.