My missionary family have had a busy busy year, and a diversified year.
January and February started in Vanuatu...
Remember all those skirts and shorts?
The kids were delighted.

Arrived at Grandpa and Grandma's stayed for 2 weeks.
After traveling for 2 months around the country, they arrived in the big city
they were going to live in, teach in, and go to school in....
There were lots of firsts experienced in the last few months...
First fall in the big city...
lots of sledding...
First Christmas tree decorated...
JohnMark got his first deer.
Its been a busy great year...
Its been wonderful to have them here in the USA, but they miss Vanuatu...
Now its time to get ready to go back, but this grandma still has a couple more visits left in her...
I have to just thank the Lord for such blessed year....
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