Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nafe, the Language of the Ni Vanuatu on Tanna

I thought you might enjoy this, I did. 
One of my favorite verses and one I pray often is:

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart 
Be acceptable in Your sight, 
O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer."  Psalm 19:14 

I asked Erik to translate it for me, and he did.

lerumanu seion 
nagkiariien mesamame iakani ia tarhuk,
mene nerhiien me rerok ramerhi 
iakokeiker muairahu tuhatak watukere
ia nanronem, mho ik renen rageen 

My Lord, 
The words which I speak with my lips, 
and the thoughts my heart thinks about, 
I want that they will be straight in your eyes,
making You glad.. 

I'm always blessed to see God's Word in Nafe...



Hi Eric

My name is Rob and I've spent three archaeological field seasons working in Kwamera and Kwaraka, south Tanna, and have grown to love the people and place dearly.

I'm leaving this post, because I believe you're the white man that everyone refers to around those parts and that I have a copy of the bible that you translated into Nafe (I apologise if this is not the case). I visited the village up the hill from Kwamera to attend church; I believe you lived there for many years. The name has slipped my mind but what a spectacular place.

Well, greetings from Canberra Australia and thank you for the bible!

Best wishes