Friday, December 16, 2011

God is Good...Please Pray

I always have trouble writing these kind of posts. 
Probably has to do with the concern I'm feeling right now
and it is hard to put into words. Though I have to say, God 
is always so good to remind me that He is there and totally in 
control of everything. All I need do is Just Pray....
There really is not a lack of information, and I am thankful for 
that. What a blessing e-mail and phones are in times of crisis, and 
I can't forget the random text messages I sometimes get 
Like Just now:" We are at airport, leaving for NZ, all is well, just hurting." 

Michele this week had a small spot on her finger that very quickly turned 
After seeing a doc, in Lenackel who tried to cut it , the finger only 
became worse and she was sent to the capital city. 
From there two docs recommended that she leave the country and 
have the finger looked at and cleaned out. 

This process has proved to be a bit complicated, but with a good office 
staff and God's care and blessing they were granted a visa to NZ after 
being turned down by Australia. 

I know there are people who pray that read this blog. 
Please pray for my missionary family. 
They are in process of getting to NZ, and don't really know what 
is to follow. 
There is so much to be thankful for...
but we are not through the woods yet:)