Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I Helped Mom Today...

A couple of years ago I came across a book called A Country Far Away, by Nigel Gray & illustrated by  Philippe Dupasquier .
This children's book is about two young boys who have identical experiences, but with very different results. 
The text appears in the middle of the page, and then two sets of pictures, one above and one below show the same actions in two very different cultures: a small African village and a modern suburban setting. 
This format shows how different the same actions look because the cultures are so different. 

I see the differences often because I have four grand children here and four in Vanuatu. Going to school, playing soccer, helping with chores looks very different here and there.
I saw this illustrated clearly when this month John Mark had the task of helping to build a bush kitchen 
for the family to use. Villagers use their kitchens to roast vegetables and cook other foods. Usually a fire burns in a pit on the floor of the hut. He worked very hard with one of the village men. He kept us informed of his progress by e-mail, and after several weeks he sent us pictures of the results 
He learned to make a thatched roof and weave the walls. He even made the shelves for the cooking utensils. 
My grandsons here in the states, have chores and work hard, but I'm sure building a bush kitchen wouldn't be part of their chores. 

Nice Job John Mark...A job well done.