Monday, August 20, 2012

I Get It....

Don't you love it when you meet a complete stranger, who is a believer, and because you both love the same Lord and Savior you immediately have a bond between you. 

 It's Him! 

 I have found the same is true when I meet other POMs (parents of missionaries). 
Right away we usually have two things in common. The same Lord and the same feelings of having our children away from home serving that Lord and often a people we don't know.
That bond unites our hearts and our emotions. 
What a blessing it is to have a connection with someone who understands your pain and joy at having a child serving God in a cross cultural setting.

This morning I met with a POM who has her third child leaving for the mission field in Africa. Three of her grand children are going also. 
Her tears brought me to tears. 

"Does it ever get easier?" she asked. 
"I'm not sure it does," I said. 
"I think what has gotten easier for me is that I give the grief to God quicker and trust Him to carry it faster, because I know now He is so faithful." 

I share this to say that one of the ways God helps us is to provide others that understand. 
Only another Parent of a Missionary knows how hard it is to let them go.  
Only another Parent of a Missionary can understand the pain and the joy in having a child serving cross culturally. 

The National Network of Parents of Missionaries is an organization started to support parents and their families. For more information go to 
A great way for us parents to support each other.