Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year To You...

This holiday weekend I am
SITTING at the computer in Nebraska, it is snowing and so so cold outside...It has been a nice quiet weekend alone with Art...resting and eating.

I'm CONSIDERING that Lord willing, this summer my missionary family will be coming to USA for a one year furlough.

I'm WONDERING were the year 2009 went. Seemed to fly by. It was a momentous year for the family.
We both turned 60 this year....We celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary..
I went to Vanuatu with Sage in June. We had a great trip.
We had an unexpected trip from Michele and Joel...In spite of circumstances we had so much fun together.
Jon my oldest grandson turned 20....Toby my youngest grandson turned 3...
I WONDER what 2010 holds for our family?

I'm CONVICTED about struggling with fear ...I'm READING Max Lucado's book
Fearless:Imagine Your Life Without Fear.
Here is something to ponder:
"Fear never wrote a symphony or poem, negotiated a peace treaty, or cured a disease. Fear never pulled a family out of poverty or a country out of bigotry. Fear never saved a marriage or a business.
Courage did that. Faith did that. People who refused to consult or cower to their timidities did that. But fear itself? Fear herds us into a prison ans slams the doors."

I'm SAD that another holiday went by without my missionary family here, but I'm THANKFUL for the times we have had together this year...

I'm NEEDING to diet and loose more excuses or eating ...Ha.

I'm WEARY right now from not feeling good for a few months...lots of achiness and tiredness makes a person weary.

I'm THINKING AND PRAYING for one of the missionary families in Vanuatu. Their son fell playing and was seriously injured this weekend. He needed to be flown out to Australia....

I'm BRACING for Art's retirement...He may be retiring within the next couple of months.

I"m COMPILING a list of things that need to get done this month...
I love my lists. :)

I'm DREADING the time and effort it will take to make 22 pairs of shorts for the boys in the village, while at the same time I'm AMAZED at how one pair of shorts or one skirt can make such a difference in their lives.

I'm THANKFUL that my family is healthy as we move into 2010, and REJOICING at God's faithfulness and mercy to us...
Our God is Good and Greatly to be Praised.

and Last but not Least I'm HOPING that each one of you and your families have a